Martyr, Buenos Aires, Argentine, 2002"… Moisture. The gray Santa Fe. Resentment that
Cause loves not reciprocated. In addition, forgive the
Clarification: Argentina is not Mexico. Argentina are
Pastures to the south by the gauchaje laughing at fart
Never heard joke …
Roast in Mendiolaza, Córdoba, Argentine, 2001Il Piccolo Vapore, La Boca, Bs As, Argentine, 2007" Red Ink(A mock pain)Where will my suburb? Who stole my childhood?What corner, my moon, vocals, as then, clear your joy?...’(*)Whit red ink paint the bodies of my models to make a mockery of the blood.
Whit the same ink, stressed the blood on the hand-painted copies.
Work at the junction of analogue, digital, documentary, drama and pictorial.
Put on stage images that are the product of my own pain rework,
My own melancholy, giving them how the texture and color of the periphery.
Recycle influences from the South. Being the South. Allow expression miscegenation.
That resentment is transformed into a poetic. The irony is not tarnished
(*) Red Ink tango, lyrics by Cátulo Castillo and music by Sebastian Piana, Argentine 1941"
mexican fighters, D.F, México, 2003by Marcos López                                                                                      via